ALBA is launching a webinar series focusing on region-specific issues linked to diversity and faced by underrepresented groups in brain research around the world.
Diversity and inequity have a different meaning depending on a region or country's culture and history. With this series, the ALBA Network wishes to picture a truly diverse and global view on issues faced by underrepresented neuroscientists; but also to discuss possible solutions to these challenges, which would be relevant to particular regions of the world by taking into account their specificity.
This webinar is the first of the Latin America series.
Following this webinar, the panelists jointly wrote a commentary which reviews the issues currently faced by the Latin American (neuro)science community and outlines key actions on multiple fronts to overcome the barriers impeding their global inclusion, visibility and success. "Addressing the opportunity gap in the Latin American neuroscience community" (Silva, A., Iyer, K., Cirulli, F. et al.) was published on 16 August in Nature Neuroscience. Read the article here.
Watch the recording of this webinar
What are the main barriers to succeed in brain sciences in Latin America?
Wednesday 24th February 2021 11 am - 12.30 pm EST / 1-2.30 pm BRT / 5-6.30 pm CET
In this first webinar, ALBA focus on issues linked to diversity and faced by underrepresented groups in brain research in Latin America.
The session will be introduced by the chairs: Prof. Carmen Sandi and Prof. Francesca Cirulli. Then Dr. Ana Silvia will present the results of the IBRO-LARC Survey: Evaluation of gender inequities in the Latin American neuroscience community.
Prof. Elaine Del Bel (Brazil) and Prof.Zulma Dueñas (Colombia) will briefly discuss the issues faced by underrepresented groups in brain research in their respective countries.
In the second part of the event, each panelist will introduce a different aspect of the challenges currently faced by underrepresented groups in brain research in Latin America.
A discussion with the audience will follow the presentations.

Ana Silva (Laboratory of Neuroscience of the School of Sciences at Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay) - Member of IBRO Latin American Regional Committee
Edna Matta-Camacho (Carleton University, Canada) - Founder & President of the STEM without Borders Foundation
Gregory Quirk (University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, Puerto Rico) - Recipient of the 2020 Dolores Shockley Minority Mentoring Award
José Luis Pena (Einstein Institute, New York, United States) - Member of the Einstein Senate Committee for Diversity and Inclusion
Valeria Ramirez Castañeda (UC Berkley, United States)
Zulma Dueñas (National University of Colombia, Colombia) - President of COLNE
Elaine Del Bel (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) - ALBA Advisor & President of FALAN