Declaration action point: Solicit applications from underrepresented groups

Posted on 23/06/2022


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Proactively solicit applications from underrepresented groups

We are all biased. What can we do? The ALBA Declaration on Equity & Inclusion advises to implement unbiased selection, hiring, and assessment, by proactively solicit applications from underrepresented groups. This article provides useful tips & resources on best practices about soliciting diverse applications.


Academic and research institutions seeking women and minority applicants to the student body, faculty, and research positions face numerous challenges to locating potential candidates and attracting responses. 

Suggested actions

  • Conduct a pro-active search and solicit applications, specifically welcoming contact from women and minorities.
  • Utilize networks of women and minority conferences for affinity groups to post advertisements.


Examples of best practices:

Lists of repositories and/or organizations highlighting scientists from underrepresented groups:


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